WACs March to Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia
The WACs were marching to Fort Oglethorpe this weekend in beautiful, sunny Georgia! Thanks to the incredible support of our online...
WACs March to Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia
Women's History Month: WAC Spotlight
SoCal WACs Honor the Fallen
SoCal WACs at the SS Lane Victory
Charlie Co. Visits D-Day Ohio
Planes of Fame Airshow 2019
3rd WAC Training Center - Ft. Oglethorpe, GA
T-Shirts Available Through March 22!
The Great Los Angeles Air Raid - Recap
MEMBER BLOG - Through My Lens: Reenacting & Photography
Fundraiser Update + Special Guest
Join the fundraiser - SoCal WACs could use your help!
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All Heels On Duty - Limited Time!